
在线博彩荣誉烹饪遗产, 企业家ial icon 迷迭香科瓦尔斯基

在线博彩荣誉烹饪遗产, 企业家ial icon 迷迭香科瓦尔斯基

A portrait of 迷迭香科瓦尔斯基 by Lionel Sosa.

2024年3月18日 在线博彩 will celebrate Women's History Month with 一个展览 献给生命和遗产的 迷迭香科瓦尔斯基, an icon of San Antonio's hospitality industry. Attendees can learn about Rosemary's story through her photographs, 食谱, appointment calendars 和 other personal mementos from her 70-plus-years career. The exhibit, which runs through April 1, is free 和 open to the public.

An opening reception will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. 今天在约翰L. Santikos Building Foyer at the 在线博彩 Southwest Campus. 我们鼓励与会者 发请帖.

科瓦尔斯基, a catering legend 和 native San Antonian, serves as chairman emeritus of The RK Group. 成立于20世纪80年代末, the catering company has served hundreds of thous和s of meals over more than 70 years at events featuring luminaries that include 教皇约翰·保罗二世, 查尔斯王子, 葛培理, 威利纳尔逊格蕾丝凯利. 科瓦尔斯基, 谁快100岁了, is widely recognized as one of San Antonio's most successful businesswomen 和 企业家s.

“Rosemary’s legacy as a pioneering businesswoman, 企业家, culinary star 和 civic leader is a vital part of San Antonio’s narrative.”

San Antonio artist Lionel Sosa painted a portrait of 迷迭香科瓦尔斯基, an icon of San Antonio's hospitality industry.

Curated by the 在线博彩图书馆特别馆藏, the exhibit will feature three sections representing 科瓦尔斯基’s life journey.

第一部将探讨她的个人生活, showcasing photographs of her as a young woman, 家庭快照, 早期菜单议程, 最初的餐饮工作, 员工感谢活动和食谱卡片.

The second section will spotlight Rosemary’s catering services for first ladies 芭芭拉·布什伯德·约翰逊小姐, 展示照片和纪念品, including a complimentary letter from Johnson written shortly before her passing.

The final segment will highlight her work with VIPs 和 her charitable endeavors. This part of the exhibit will feature newspaper clippings from events such as the luncheon during 教皇约翰·保罗二世’s 1987 visit to San Antonio, menus from the 1978 Chrysanthemum Ball 和 the Texas State Senate proclamation honoring 科瓦尔斯基 as the recipient of the seventh annual 亚瑟O 'Krent Humanitarian Award from the board of directors for Boysville.

“Rosemary’s legacy as a pioneering businesswoman, 企业家, culinary star 和 civic leader is a vital part of San Antonio’s narrative,” 艾米冲, 在线博彩 assistant vice provost of Special Collections. “We are honored to be custodians of her contributions 和 accomplishments, ensuring they are documented 和 preserved for future generations.”

⇒ 更多信息可以在在线博彩网站上找到 妇女历史月网站.
⇒ 了解更多有关 在线博彩图书馆特别馆藏.

科瓦尔斯基 和 The RK Group have supported 在线博彩 for 32 years. Their generosity has advanced the Institute of Texan Cultures, 文理美术学院, 体育运动, 校友会, 总统的助手, 以及卡洛斯·阿尔瓦雷斯商学院, where she created the 迷迭香科瓦尔斯基 Endowed Scholarship in 2002.

In 2017, she donated her personal 和 company records to the 在线博彩 Libraries. This collection chronicles her journey as one of San Antonio's leading caterers.

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